Wednesday, 8 February 2012


It has been ages since we've had the time to post but today we made the decision not to go to the Philippines as we were flying to Cebu which was heavily damaged by the earthquakes... We saw the damage in Christchurch one year on and they are still suffering tremors. So we decided to stay in Malaysia so I have a good day to catch up...

Oz was great! We started off the trip by spending time with friends in the danetree rainforest, the oldest in the world. It was lovely - their house is in the middle of nowhere and completely Eco-friendly. Solar power, recycling, rain water for showers etc. The whole shabang! They didn't even build Walls, doors or windows for their house. Everything was supported by pillars. Was awesome! From there we cycled to cape tribulation which was lovely. We then did our liveaboard on the great barrier reef... 3 days, 10 dives Inc 2 night dives and we took a course to become advanced so we could do it all without guides! Was superb diving, some of the best we've done and was definitely the highlight of oz! Saw sharks, rays, turtles and some of the biggest fish we've ever seen. I also woke up a sleeping trigger fish during mating season and got chased and snapped at for a few terrifying mins!

Next was magnetic island where we saw wild koalas! Very cute and looked completely stoned up in their trees!

And airlie beach which was a nice beach town, followed by ahmed water aka 1770 which is where captain James cook first founded oz for us Brits! This was a lovely place and we Learnt a bit of history (cook was the first sailor to discover that limes kept away scurvey. Not only did it save most of his Crew but earnt us the nickname - limey) we also did a great electronic bike ride which was the laziest bike ride I've ever done! We didn't see any roos but did learn they're the only mammal that tuck away their gonads. They also can hold off their pregnancy if they feel it isn't the right conditions and their cock and balls are the wrong way round. I'm sure we learnt stuff that wasn't sex/mating related but I can't remember any of it!

Hervey bay was next for tanya's birthday. Wine, a free meal and a day spent on the beach. Was splendid!

Rainbow beach is the jumping off point for Fraser island but was still a pleasant stay. A nice walk ended with one of the nicest views I've seen in oz. A HUGE sand dune that leads to the ocean! Fraser island was lovely and the lake Mackenzie was a real magnificent site! Would go back to oz just for the chance of another dip!!

Saw our first kangaroo on our way to noida but it was 50foot and a plastic gas station statue so doesn't really count! Noosa was lovely and was the nicest Coastal walk in oz. Bit of a pisshead area though and it was very apparent that it was a teenage backpacker area! Had corn on the cob nicked from us while we were still cooking it and felt like scolding the two girls in our room when they came in late from a booze up. When did I become such a grumpy old man?

Ah, Byron bay! The rumour are true.. It really is one of the sleepiest, hippy-ish, surfing town ever. And it's great! Didn't partake in the surfing due to the calamitous effort in Bali but had some lovely walks and learnt some local history (old man...) but was a great area and highly recommend it. It was also the most eastern point of oz we managed and a great walk to the lighthouse overlooking the whole town. Was bootiful!

Coffs harbor broke up the journey to Sydney but little else! Met a nice little crew, did some pathetic canooeing and saw the most amazing musician! Must look up jeff tangle on google, he was greAt!

Sydney was awesome! Saw the opera house, botanical gardens and did some good walks! Managed not to spend money in the most expensive part of the most expensive country so deserve a medal for that a reckon!

Then it was Wollongong to see the lowthers! Was ace seeing them again and meeting kirsten's family over Xmas! Bug thank you to them for making us so welcome! Was a lovely time! Especially dog on a tucker box. Probably the best thing I've ever seen. Ever. Look it up on google!

Oz was awesome and gave us some really good memories! Will go back again for sho!

New Zealand to follow...

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