Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Indonesia... Whoops

Could have sworn I did a blog for Indonesia but I guess not. Must be a quickie as tanya will be back from hairdressers soon and no doubt I have to get into consoling mood!


5.visiting the monkey forest in ubud, Bali. So good I went back again! Never been so close to monkeys before! Got some fantastic videos and photos!
4.trekking in the wonderful, beautiful munduk, bali. So good we lost track of time and nearly had to spend the night sleeping in a rice paddie!
3.visiting the Borobudur temple in jogyakarta, java. Next to Angkor wat in cambodia, the best temple I've ever seen! The city itself was also a bit of a surprise! Plenty to see and do!
2.jungle trekking in bukit lawang in Sumatra! Seeing wild orangatans... Nine in total which at the time was a traveller record! Even saw a few day old wee bairn one which caught a tear in our guides eye as they're so rare! Spent a few nights in the jungle which was superb and a real highlight of the whole trip!
1.underwater life... Whether diving in pulau weh and seeing 60 manta rays in formation (another sight that few ever see!), sharks and sting rays! Or snorkelling in the gilli islands and seeing and swimming with turtles on a daily basis! This was the definite highlight of Indonesia!

There were others - taking shrooms in the gilli islands and singing alongside the locals every night 'gilli I love you', surfing in kuta, Bali even though I ended up being hit in the head and on the face at the same time by mine and tanya's board and Lorna broke a board and we ended up visiting the police.. I stood up for 8 seconds so well worth it! Visiting banda aceh, the worst hit city in the boxing day tsunami! And much, much more.

Thanks for the memories indo!

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